Friday, September 28

Healing and limbo....

Hi all, I don't know if anyone out there is still picking up on the rare post I put up, but I saw a pot by Michael Kline this morning and got me thinking about my old blog, and thought I'd put up a post about what's been going on with me. Graduated from school but not licensed yet, because...I herniated a disc sometime earlier this year and just got worse and worse, until by the end of summer I was in constant pain and having a really hard time getting around. Almost couldn't walk much anymore. So, long and painful story short, I had surgery on September 4, and am healing nicely now. Good thing is that I am no longer in constant pain, but it's set me back a bit again. But once I am up and about again hope to get my MT license and hopefully soon have my own practice going. Still get a little nostalgic and an itch to be working with pots, but sometimes you gotta make decisions that seem the most prudent rather than ideal, and this was one of them. Someday hopefully I will be in a position that I can combine the best of both worlds. Making a living, and making some clay art on the side. Anyhow, I hope everyone is doing well and know that I think of you.