Sunday, April 15

Nothin bout nothin

Here's an impulsive little post, and then I might just disappear for another year or so again! Last postings I was applying to grad schools....uh yah....kinda went another direction for various reasons. I need a bona fide job-the kind I can pay bills and support myself with, and still have enough money left to occasionally do other stuff-like have fun or something-so I am in my last semester of school training to be a massage therapist. Can't exactly say it's a life time dream come true, but it's been pretty good. Met some great people, and I'm told I have a knack. We'll see if that translates into $$ someday! Someday soon hopefully, I will have the money, time and DEDICATION, to pursue some clay work and writing, if for nothing else than an artistic/creative pursuit. We'll see! Still peek in occasionally to see what everyone is up to, and hope all are well!


Linda Starr said...

I was wondering about you a few weeks ago even posted a link on my blog. Good to hear you are doing well, some day soon, I feel the same way.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

rock ON :)

Deb said...

Well...dang! I'm always surprised when I pop up and someone is still reading! Thanks. I am doing...alright and shooting for well!

Heidi said...

I am in the same boat as you.. well sort of, its wanting to do something creative, unfortunately, creative jobs are hard to come by :*(
good for you for continuing on with school though!

Unknown said...

Hi Heidi, I haven't logged in to my blog for so long I am having to respond to you via a comment. Yah it's a tough boat sometimes. I ended up actually going in a different direction even after that post and have started my own business. Sometimes you just have to find a combination of things that work for your life and fit it all in together somehow. Good luck and don't give up! - Deb

Imitation Jewelry said...

Bracelet is so beautiful and can hardly wait to make it. I am so excited, new bangle have waited so long for this tutorial to be able to add a button. I was just not sure of myself to do it alone. I love this beauty product.