Here are two of the bird basins I am working on. I had a third but did some stupid stuff with it and decided to trash it. My idea currently is that they sit on the ground in your garden somewhere, and they can either fill with rain, or you can put water in them, and it is kind of like a stone that has water collected in it. I might put a little bird on the edge of some of them. I am thinking about texture and whatnot. I'm also going to make some that resemble logs. I have had these ideas for a long time now and am glad I am finally trying them. I'm thinking about calling them Stonepools. If anyone has a better idea for a name to market them with, I would be very open to hearing them.
very nice..may i suggest that you put some broken glass in the bottom? or like some divets with broken glass...the sun would really bling them out and the shiny attracts birds! look forward to how you work the textures..
just to clarify, the glass would melt into a pool(s), during the firing 1850 f. or higher for a good melt. i wouldn't put the broken glass in afterwards, birds don't like that..;)
Boy..I like those! Very cool..Jen
What a cool idea & stonepool is a perfect name! I'd love one in my garden. The melted glass idea sounds interesting.
Stonepools. Great idea. Great name. I like it lots.
I was thinking about putting some glaze just in a pooling spot in some of them, glass would be nice. However, my experiments with glass in the past are that it cracks badly on cooling, unless of course I get into annealing and all.
Love the organic shape of these.
At a recent ceramic exhibit I saw some bowls with melted glass in the bottom of them and they were beautiful. I think that's a great idea.
Deborah, you mentioned marketing them. What about making up a special tag to attach to each one, kind of an authentification (is that a word?) tag for each stonepool, describing the thought behind each piece i.e. Bird Stonepool - telling about the bird, the texture, or whatever is contained on that one, You mentioned a wood texture, so in that vein, Maple Stonepool or oak or whatever tree you use. Anyway just an idea.
Can't wait to see your stonepools when they are finished.
You are on to something- keep working it!
hey, I really like these too. There are so many possibilities for this shape,it could be on a base, or have handles to hang, or, or, or........ yep, they're good!
Thanks for the ideas everyone. My creative wheels have been spinning a little too. I have an idea for one that is about four feet tall and kind of conical with a little bird perched on top. I better measure my kiln first.
OOOHH, those are going to be so cool when done. I'd love to see a biggin!
These are awesome Deb! Sort of Feng Shui like addition of water to the garden. I'm looking forward to seeing it glazed.
Deb, I'm with everyone who has posted thus far. These are wonderful! So organic and very original. Stonepool is a perfect name for them. And it's not just for birds y'know. Butterflies enjoy "puddling." Many other creatures might enjoy this too. Lovely idea with LOTS of marketing opportunities for you I think!
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